Dialogue with Our Members (DNF Logistics Company Limited)
0Started in 2011, DNF, now renamed as DNF Logistics Company Limited (DNFL), is providing quality sea, inland, air transportation service and more to clients. Nowadays, they cooperate with partnership in Asia, Europe and America, which allows their service covers the whole world.
Comprehensive service is what DNFL always does. As the General Manager Eve Yum said, each client has their unique needs and DNFL is able to provide what they want. Their team is good at understanding clients’ demands and arrange in accordance. Based on a flexible structure, the entire team can immediately know the clients’ demand and act correspondently. Regarding to clients’ demand, DNFL is providing services like delivery, refrigerated transportation, and dangerous goods wrapping that meets safety requirements.
DNFL always insist safety when they are doing business. Prevention is the best cure, is what Eve opinion in safety. She emphasizes “safety always comes first” when she was educating their team. If we act after an incident happened, that will be too late. Therefore, DNFL is holding the safety standard seriously. Sometimes there are some clients that seem to be confused by the safety requirements, DNFL will explain and give advice with patient, they even help their clients with hand searching their cargo. With this meticulous attitude, DNFL wins a splendid reputation among these years.
Speaking of safety, RACSF is the biggest challenge in this topic recently. Eve said since the whole habitat of the industry will be changed because of this policy, her first concern is how can the entire industry pass through it together. She wants to acquire more information from other stakeholders. She admitted that there will be extra cost regarding this policy, which makes she even more engaged in communicating with her clients, and talks about the message of transportation security.
Finally, she told us about how she got to know SCSA. She knew our Chairman Mr. Pang years ago, and they joined us through Mr. Pang. DNFL wants to broaden their social network and obtain more professional certificate by joining SCSA. Moreover, DNFL is also cooperating with Alliance, which is also a member of SCSA. As a consultant of DNFL, Alliance assists them in obtaining professional training and certificates. It helps improve their security, including warehouse, documentation security and more.
We, SCSA, are always providing benefits to our members exclusively. We gathered a number of companies from different fields, such as freight forwarders and consultants, to build a platform for exchanging information and knowledge. Moreover, we are cooperating with different organisations and colleges to provide training services to our members.
If you want to join SCSA, you can contact at info@scsasecurity.org or (852) 2750 5358.

Having a conversation with Ms. Eve Yum
最後,她告訴我們她如何認識SCSA。她多年前已認識我們的會長彭先生,DNFL亦透過彭先生加入我們的協會。 DNFL希望通過加入SCSA來擴闊他們的社交網絡並獲得更多專業證書。除此之外,DNFL亦與SCSA的其中一個會員Alliance合作。Alliance作為DNFL的顧問,為他們取得了不少專業培訓及認證,從而令他們的安全標準,例如倉庫、文件保安等有所提升。
如果您想加入SCSA,可以通過info@scsasecurity.org或(852)2750 5358聯繫。